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How Can Grassroots Musicians Fight the Trump Beast? --The Chicago Reader

The Impossible Colors Club brings back the ritual of waiting for tapes in the mail. -- The Chicago Reader

"This project is redolent of some hella heady nostalgia. Label curator Adele Nicholas is calling it 'The Impossible Colors Club,' which calls to mind the Columbia Records music clubs of yore. Still, if 'Unsuspected' is any indication these cassingles are going to mold that nostalgia in new and creative ways. ... Impossible Colors has closed the loop for me. The cassette tape, with its peculiar aura of the past, is infused with a forward-thinking vitality when it features the music of artists like MTVGhosts." --Nothing Sounds Better

Indie Label Spotlight: An Interview With Impossible Colors. --Midwest Action

"Though you'll come across hundreds of people who espouse that cassettes are a dying breed, Impossible Colors, a record label out of Chicago putting out phenomenal 'cassingles' would prove all those avidly-opposed-to-anything-but-the-digital-era wrong. ... The Impossible Colors Club combines all the best parts of a cassette: the amazing texture and sound you can only get from this medium, the nature of the limited edition, and handmade cards designed by local visual artist Kriss Stress, whose one-of-a-kind two-toned pieces combine pop culture with amazing textiles." --IX Daily

"The first in a series of cassingles from Impossible Colors I must say is off to a most impressive start." --Raised By Gypsies

"Videotape's "Salty" combines beefy guitar riffs with snarly vocals and big beats. As well as the whole heap of nostalgia crush there's much to like on top, with dreamy harmonies colliding perfectly with the piercing melody, full of the right mixture of menace and warmth throughout. ... I am completely in love with the flip-side by Danielle Sines' Impulsive Hearts, "MDB" is an immediate jangle pop hit in the making, propelled by an infectious drum march and jagged, cavernous guitar patterns it recalls long lost summer days, you'll soon find it swirling around your head leaving you giddy for more, a repeat play will suffice nicely." --Just Music That I Like

"[Impulsive Hearts' MDB] and [Videotape's Salty] are wonderful pop affairs with plenty of body." --Floorshime Zipper Boots

"[Axons'] sound is filled with dark electronics and wonderfully haunting vocals." --The Deli Magazine

"... playful synth and pristine vocals coalesce into a lovely pop tune. With the help of glowing background synth, it feels almost as though Axons is leading the audience through a cosmic journey. It's a fascinating ride, and we're just thankful that such good music is playing." --Midwest Action